Official Blog








1. 「この学校を選ばれた理由を教えて下さい。」の回答例


Please let us know why you (your family) chose this school.


We chose this school because we wanted our child to grow up in an international environment.

We chose this school because we wanted our child to be able to speak multiple languages which would be beneficial for his/her future.

We chose this school because we have heard many good things about this school from a graduate of this school.

We were interested in a school that values performing arts as this school does because our child loves musicals.

We thought this school that achieves high academic goals would be a good fit for our child who gets excellent grades.

It is important for our family that our child grows up with other students with a multi-national background because we also are a multi-national family.

It was hard for me to learn English, so I want my child to learn English in a natural setting such as this school.

I wanted our child to be in a school that has the IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum.

I chose this school because it has the AP (Advanced Placement) courses which will be an advantage for my child once he/she enters university in the U.S.

We chose this school because the facilities are very attractive and the location was near our house.

2. 「なぜインターナショナルスクールを選ばれたのですか?」の回答例


Why did you/your family choose an international school (out of all the other schools)?


We chose this school because we believe that English is necessary in order to survive in a global world.

We chose an international school because I have also spent some time abroad and I wanted my child to experience the same environment from an early age.

I wanted my child to have a variety of opportunities and that is why we chose an international school.

Our child was born in March and he/she would be the youngest in the grade in a Japanese educational system, and we thought that would be a disadvantage for him/her.

We wanted our child to have a broad mind in the future and we thought that an international school was a better choice to achieve that goal.

3. 「ご家庭では、どのような教育方針をお持ちですか?」の回答例


What kind of values and beliefs are important to your family?


The most important thing in our family is to “always tell the truth.”

We value each other’s individuality in our family.

We believe that trying to understand different values is the most important belief in a family.

We value “reading time” in our family and we have that for 1 hour every weekend.

We believe that “being on time” is always important no matter how young or old you are.

4. 「親としての役割について、考えを聞かせて下さい。」の回答例


Please let us know your thoughts on the role of a parent.


I believe the role of a parent is to supervise without interfering.

The role of a parent should be to provide an environment where a child can feel safe.

The role of a parent is to help with letting the individual find his/her own path in life.

The main role of a parent is to listen to the child and to help find a solution for them.

The role of a parent is to be a role model for the child.

5. 「子育てで心がけていらっしゃる事を教えて下さい。」の回答例


Please let us know what you keep in mind when raising your child.


I keep in mind that every child is different and I have to respect their individualism.

I keep in mind to say positive words to my child.

I teach my children to think of other people’s feelings when doing something and I keep in mind to do so myself while raising my children.

I keep in mind to provide healthy meals to my children as much as possible.

We keep in mind that boosting self-confidence of a child is important from a young age when raising my child.

6. 「将来、お子様にどのようになって欲しいとお考えですか?」の回答例


What are your hopes and dreams for your child’s future?


My hope is for my child to become an independent thinker when he/she grows up.

Our hope is for her/him to become an expert at whatever field they decide to pursue.

My hope is for my child in the future to be mentally and physically healthy.

Our hope in the future is that our child finds something to be passionate about.

My dream for my child’s future is that he/she can act as a leader and make a difference to the world.

7. 「お子様はどのような性格ですか?」の回答例


What is your child’s personality like?


My child is very friendly and can make friends instantly.

My child has a determined character and likes to get things done.

My child has a shy character and takes time to make new friends.

My son/daughter is optimistic about everything.

My child is very diligent and likes everything to be organized.

My child has a lot of motivation.

My child has a cheerful personality.

Sensitive (繊細)
Affectionate (優しく愛情のある)
Funny (面白い)
Talkative (おしゃべり)
Patient (我慢強い)

8. 「お子様の性格で弱点と思われる事はありますか?」の回答例


Are there any weaknesses in your child’s personality?


My child is a perfectionist, so she/he is never satisfied.

My child gets very nervous when he/she needs to speak in front of other people.

My child is very talkative and sometimes talks loudly when he/she is not supposed to.

My child is shy and is reluctant to initiate a conversation.

My child is sometimes too energetic.

9. 「当校へ何かご希望はございますか?」の回答例


Do you have any hopes or requests to our school?


I would appreciate if the school could provide school buses.

I wish there were more club activities to choose from.

I would like to request healthier menus in the cafeteria.

10. まとめ







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