1. 「入学前」のインターの先生への質問 (英語/英会話)
1-1. スクール、クラス構成
Would you please let us know how many students there are?
Would you please let us know how many classes there are?
Would you please let us know the percentage per nationality or the percentage of Japanese?
1-2. 受験申込、条件、審査基準
Is there a condition for applying to the kindergarten such as English abilities?
Do you have to have a foreign passport to apply to the school?
Is religion considered in the application process?
Is nationality considered in the application process?
Is gender considered in the application process?
1-3. アクティビティ、授業、宿題
Do you have field trips to the zoo?
Does my child need to participate on all field trips?
Do many students take the afterschool classes?
Does my child need to participate in “Sports Day” because he/she is not good at sports?
Do you have a recital for the music classes?
Do you have Chinese lessons for the afterschool program?
Do you have violin lessons for the afterschool program?
Do you have ballet lessons for the afterschool program?
How much are the classes for the afterschool programs?
Do I need to help him/her with his/her homework?
Is there an Epipen on the bus and within the class just in case he/she forgets it?
1-4. ランチ、おやつ
What happens if my child forgets to bring lunch from home?
What kind of healthy snack do the students bring?
Does the preschool provide snacks or do we need to bring one from home?
1-5. 他の子供、保護者
Do most students live nearby?
Do most students commute by school bus?
Do most students commute by train?
Do many students walk to school?
Do many mothers work?
Would you please let us know the percentage per nationality or the percentage of Japanese?
1-6. 保護者の参加、保護者の英語
How much parent participation is required?
Do the parents also need to speak in English at the school?
1-7. アレルギー、薬、持病、障害、バリアフリー
My child has allergies to apples.
He/she is allergic to dairy products.
My child is allergic to animals.
Do you also have a gluten free menu at the cafeteria?
Will the preschool give medication if the child has a chronic disease?
Do you accept students with ADHD?
Do you accept children with learning disabilities?
Do you accept children with developmental disabilities?
Are service dogs allowed at the preschool?
Is the school accessible for children in wheelchairs?
1-8. 安全対策、医療体制
What precautions does the school take for safety?
Do you have earthquake drills?
Does the bus driver know CPR in the event of an emergency?
Does the school have a full-time nurse?
1-9. その他
Is it better to move near the preschool if possible?
My child is potty trained, but is it ok for her to wear a diaper if she says she wants to?
Where do the children play when it rains?
Is it ok to have my babysitter pick up my child?
Do you need to show some kind of an ID before entering the school?
Does the school do anything for sustainability?
Does the school collect old clothes for charity?
2. 「入学後」のインターの先生への質問,報告 (英語/英会話)
2-1. 学校(園)での子供の様子の確認
How was my child doing?
What kind of things did she/he do today?
Did you notice anything out of the usual?
Was he/she playing friendly today?
Who was he/she spending time with today?
Did my child finish all of the lunch?
How much of the lunch did my child finish?
2-2. お迎え
His/her father will pick him/her up today.
Is it possible for someone besides the mother to go and pick up?
Is it ok to have my babysitter pick up my child?
I would like to let you know that I am on a business trip from today and her grandmother will be picking her up for this week.
2-3. お昼寝、眠たい、グズグズ
My child could not sleep well yesterday.
Was he/she sleeping on the bus?
Did she/he seem sleepy today?
Was he/she able to sleep during nap time?
He/she woke up much earlier than usual this morning, so he/she might be sleepy.
He/she has been grouchy continuously since this morning.
My child has been crying continuously since this morning.
He/she has been saying continuously that he/she does not want to go to school since this morning.
2-4. 忘れ物
I forgot to bring his/her hat today, so is there an extra one at the school that he/she can borrow?
He/she forgot to bring his/her water bottle today.
I am sorry that my daughter did not bring a toy for Show & Tell. I could not understand the content of “bringing your favorite toy from home” when you explained it to us at pick up time.
(Show&Tell の時間に娘がおもちゃを持参せず申し訳ありませんでした。昨日の帰りの先生の話で自宅のお気に入りのおもちゃを持参するという英語の内容を私が理解できておりませんでした。)
2-5. 怪我、発熱、下痢
My child will be out sick because of a fever.
Did something happen at the preschool because my child has an injury on the 〇〇?
He/she might have diarrhea because his/her poop was soft last night.
She had a fever yesterday, but she has a normal temperature this morning.
He tripped at the stairs of the school and is bleeding. Is there a bandage (Band-aid)?
He broke his leg playing soccer. It seems he has to wear a cast for several weeks.
He/she does not want to go to the park today during playtime because he/she hurt his ankle.
2-6. お休み、遅れて登校、早退
My child will be absent from 〇 until 〇.
My child will be out sick because of a fever.
Can he/she leave early today because he/she has a dentist appointment?
She is taking piano lessons every Wednesday, so she has to leave the school 30 minutes early every Wednesday.
She will arrive 1 hour late for school next Monday because she has a doctor’s appointment.
2-7. 宿題、勉強
Does he/she have homework (today or tomorrow)?
Until when and how far should he/she do this?
2-8. アクティビティ、お誕生日会、イベント
What clothes should be worn on the field trip?
What should be brought on the field trip?
Do you have to invite the whole class when having a birthday party outside of school?
Is there someone that has a gluten allergy within the class because I want to bring in some treats for her birthday?
Do you need some volunteers for the Halloween parade?
I brought some extra candies for the class for Halloween.
Will the class exchange chocolates on Valentine’s Day?
2-9. 苦手なお友達、嫌がらせへの対応依頼
My daughter is very upset because she does not get along with her reading partner ○○. Is it possible to do something about it such as changing partners?
(娘が Reading partner の〇〇君が苦手なようで、かなり落ち込んでいます。Partner を代えていただく等、何か対応をご検討いただけないでしょうか?)
There is a boy in her class that kisses her on the cheeks but she does not like it. Can you please ask him to stop?
She does not like the boy sitting next to her. Is it possible to change seats?
The boys keep pulling her hair during recess. Can you please ask them to stop?
My son says that someone hit him yesterday. Is this true?
2-10. 保護者が英語が苦手な事に触れる
I cannot speak English so well, so I am sorry to always inconvenience you.
I cannot speak English well, but is it ok for me to join the parent conference?
I could not understand what was written in the contact booklet, so may I ask a question?
I’m not good at English, so is it better if I don’t teach English to my child at home?
I am sorry that my daughter did not bring a toy for Show & Tell. I could not understand the content of “bringing your favorite toy from home” when you explained it to us at pick up time.
(Show&Tell の時間に娘がおもちゃを持参せず申し訳ありませんでした。昨日の帰りの先生の話で自宅のお気に入りのおもちゃを持参するという英語の内容を私が理解できておりませんでした。)
2-11. ちょっとした伝達、確認、報告等、その他
My child could not go to the bathroom before leaving the house.
My son/daughter’s poop might have leaked while walking to school, so his/her underwear might be dirty.
When is the next swimming class?
Which picture book is his/her favorite at school?
Is there a problem that I should know about at school?
He/she really seems to like the ○○ song sang at the school, and he/she has been singing constantly.
Once entering Kindergarten, she/he is speaking in English at home naturally.
Can you please help him/her change into his/her swimsuit because it is a little tight?
I am sorry that I cannot volunteer next Friday because I have work.
Can my child bring a teddy bear because it helps him/her stay mentally stable?
I think he/she still has jet lag from our trip last week.
I would like to take a picture of the whole class before the graduation ceremony.
Can you also please join in the picture?
Do you sing a song right before lunch at school because he/she sings it on the weekend when we eat lunch together?
I want her to play with other children more because she is the only child.
Both parents are away to join a convention next week, but our babysitter will be taking care of her.
Is it possible to bring our dog inside the school when picking up our son/daughter?
I would like my child to wear a specific brand of organic cotton diapers, so can I put it in his backpack so that you can use it?
Please use this special sunscreen prescribed by the dermatologist for my daughter because she has sensitive skin.
He/she has a loose tooth and it might come out during school.
3. まとめ